Mission and Outcomes

Mission and Outcomes


College of Medicine/University of Basrah is working to prepare graduates for distinct medical practices, emphasizing medical problems in Iraq and, especially in Basrah, connecting these practices to community needs. It also intends to achieve distinction in medical education programs for both undergraduate and postgraduate and in continuous medical education to train doctors, medical teachers, and researchers. It also lays the foundation for a scientific environment that cares for recent knowledge and skills in health sciences, leading to high gains in education, health care and medical research.

College of Medicine/University of Basrah adopted a disciplined based curriculum with steps to coordinate learning between clinical and basic biomedical sciences using a more student-based approach with particular emphasis on primary health care.

The college also seeks to stimulate long-term self–education and lay the basis for humanitarian and ethical values that are relevant to the work in the field of health sciences by sustainable approaches to advance global health equity and social justice through support for cutting-edge interdisciplinary education, research, global health practice. Recruitment and development of high-quality teaching staff is sought to achieve the best in the field of teaching and research.


The outcomes for medical college graduates will broadly cover three major areas of having a graduate as a practitioner, scientist & scholar, and professional. These outcomes are generally subdivided into twelve competencies in that the graduate as a practitioner should (conduct consultation sessions, diagnose and manage diseases, communicate, provide emergency care, prescribe drugs, perform specific practical procedures, and adequately use information), as a scholar and scientist should study (basic medical sciences, health care, social sciences, and psychological sciences), and as a professional should (behave ethically and legally; reflect, learn and teach others; work in a team; protect patients and improve health care).