البحوث /الاطروحة خريجي ماجستير اختصاص دقيق سريري في السكري والغدد الصم والأيض بالغين فرع الطب لغاية 27/10/2021 |
ت |
الاسم |
عنوان الاطروحة |
1 |
د علي حسين علي عبود الحمزه |
The performance of serum cortisol, plasma corticotropin and serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels in the diagnosis of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal dysfunction |
2 |
د عمار محمدسعيد عبدالله |
Trimester-specific reference intervals of thyroid function testing in pregnant women from Basrah, Iraq using electrochemiluminescent immunoassay |
3 |
د ابراهيم عبود زبون |
Variables associated with persistence of C-peptide secretion among patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus |
4 |
د مؤيد بهير كاظم |
Total Testosterone and Sex hormone-Binding globulin as predictor markers of Metabolic Syndrome among obese people from Basrah |
5 |
د رضا ناصر حسين |
The contribution of new areas to the total hirsutism scores in Basrah hirsute women |
6 |
د نصار طه ياسين |
Pituitary dysfunction three months or more after head trauma |
7 |
د عادل غصاب محمد |
Hypogonadism in men on exogenous glucocorticoids |
8 |
د ضياء كاظم جبار الوائلي |
Reliability of adrenal computed tomography in predicting the functionality of adrenal incidentaloma |
9 |
د حيدر اياد ياسين |
Is there any association between psoriasis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? |
10 |
د حسين علي نوير |
Obstructive sleep apnea among different types of pituitary adenoma patients in Basrah. Frequency and response to treatment. |
11 |
د ابرهيم هاني حسين |
The reliability of pituitary macroadenoma volume assessment using three methods. |
12 |
د حسام جهاد عمران موسى |
Testosterone or dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate as a biochemical marker for hirsutism in polycystic ovary syndrome |
13 |
د سامح عبد عذيب محسن |
Does Androgenic Alopecia Correlate with Biochemical Hyperandrogenism?
14 |
د محمود ثامر جلود كزار |
The performance of glycated hemoglobin versus oral glucose tolerance test in the diagnosis of glycemic disorder in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
15 |
احمد صباح عبدالرضا
Non-infectious Dermatological Manifestations and Associated Autoantibodies Among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Basrah |
16 |
قصي باقر جواد الزجاجي
Correlation Between Clinical and Biochemical Markers in patients with Acromegaly on Different Modalities of Treatment |
17 |
مقدام علي حمزه البوبتي
Total testosterone to estradiol ratio as a predictor marker against metabolic syndrome in men |